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Hollywood South Films

Hollywood South Films is a one-stop shop of filming locations and production services.
Our company and partners own hundreds of unique, film friendly locations.
Hollywood South Films has a team of experienced producers, directors, stunt coordinators, casting directors and other creatives available to consult with you on your next project, large or small.
Our mission is to tell inspiring, impactful stories.


(818) 216-0800


Trilith Studios Production Centre

461 Sandy Creek Road

Suite 2113

Fayetteville, GA 30214

Visit website

Founder, Producer/Stunt Coordinator

Eddie Matthews

VP of Operations

Abigail Shinstine

A photo of Trilith Vendors

Studio Vendors

Set builders, sound engineers, costumers and the full cast of creative players — all on site.

A photo of Trilith amenities


Access to anything and everything you need to bring your vision to fruition.